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Leveraging Quality Improvement Principles for Radiology Sustainability: Bridging Advocacy and Action

CSS Publication Number
Full Publication Date
November 7, 2023

The healthcare industry is a top polluter, and the United States healthcare is among the worst offenders worldwide. Radiology contributes disproportionately to the carbon footprint of healthcare and may contribute up to 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This commentary underscores the untapped potential within radiology departments to integrate quality improvement principles with sustainability. By embracing these principles and setting environmental quality standards, radiologists can transition from sustainability advocacy to improvements in their radiology practices.

Sean A. Woolen
David B. Larson
Konrad Malik
Colby A. Foster
Marisa Martin
Katherine Maturen
Research Areas
Framework, Methods & Tools

Radiology, Carbon footprint, Greenhouse gas emissions, Healthcare

Publication Type
Journal Article
Digital Object Identifier
Full Citation

Woolen SA, Larson DB, Lewis GM, Malik K, Foster CA, Martin MF, Maturen KE, Leveraging Quality Improvement Principles for Radiology Sustainability: Bridging Advocacy and Action, Journal of the American College of Radiology (2023). CSS23-26