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Developing LCA techniques for emerging systems: Game theory, agent modeling as prediction tools

CSS Publication Number
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May 17, 2010

Although Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has become an important tool in the context of environmental and industrial analysis, its limitations keep it from achieving wider acceptance. One limitation is its inability to forecast. LCA can present environmental impacts of established processes but cannot do so for emerging processes or developing products. We propose two different techniques as an addition to the traditional LCA to address these processes and products. In this paper, we compare the tools proposed, assess the limitations inherent in each technique, and finally formulate recommendations of systems where each technique can best serve the forecasting needs of an LCA. We also propose further work towards creating a functioning Predictive Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment that can provide insightful information on emerging situations in general.

Benjamin E. Sharp
Research Areas
Framework, Methods & Tools

Game theory; Predictive models; Legislation; Humans; Economic forecasting; Environmental economics; Context modeling; Toy industry; Resource management; Manufacturing; Agent-based Modeling; Game Theory; LCA; Predictive LCA

Publication Type
Conference Proceeding
Digital Object Identifier
Full Citation

J. F. Alfaro, B. E. Sharp and S. A. Miller, "Developing LCA techniques for emerging systems: Game theory, agent modeling as prediction tools," Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, Arlington, VA, USA, 2010, pp. 1-6. CSS10-26